Review: Chase the change- by Sandeep Jain

This book came along as a pleasant surprise for me. Books centred around the theme of self-help or bringing about a change can easily turn into preachy monologues. But this book was more conversational than preachy, where the author shared his insights, experiences and real-life examples with his readers.

This is not a book meant to be skimmed through idly sitting at a coffee table. Rather, it belongs on one’s study table, where you are meant to dissect and understand every aspect of life that can bring about a positive change and turnaround professional careers towards an exponential growth. It has a potential to become a tool kit or a practitioner’s guidebook, in the hands of the right seeker.

The author asks some very pertinent questions to drive home the point that change is a necessity and the only way forward. His language is easy and he quotes very simple, everyday examples. He unfailingly highlights that a conscious change, though tricky, isn’t necessarily difficult to bring about. The key factors determining a conscious change are a strong motivation and a sound technique. He talks about the long-term gains and the short-term gains and evaluates the pros and cons of each process.

He brings forth and analyses the human behavioural aspects that impact the change. He stresses upon with examples how ego hinders the process of change whereas self-esteem helps to get through the process. While he talks about the unconscious cognitive biases that we generally tend to overlook as a natural response, he also highlights the importance of the three virtues on which a practitioner of change is tested time and again- courage, humility and discipline.

The author makes a very valid statement when he says, life begins at the end of your comfort zone and goes on to share a WONDER code of change with his readers. He states and I quote, “awareness of the ‘need to change’ is always the starting point”.

Armed with the various tips, tricks and techniques such as IKIGAI and POMODORO technique explained in this book, a reader can surely begin the process of change on a positive note. Like a true mentor, the author offers help and encouragement at various points of the seeker’s journey. Along the way, he quotes some famous personalities which inspire a seeker of change to look at things with a positive mindset.


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